Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Medias representation of Youth

This is EnglandClick to watch trailer 'This is England' is a film produced in 2006 by Shane Meadows focusing on skinheads growing up within the 80's. Here Shaun a young boy adopts the ways of other members of the group causing havoc to occur within the group. 'This is England' percieves youth to be portrayed in a negative light due to the activities they get up to. I wanted to inccoperate ideas of medias perception of youth within my music video, exploring the conept further through music rather than just TV and Film.
Click to watch an episode

'Misfits' is a programme featured on channel 4 exploring the lives of five ASBO teenagers who come together to under go community service. This programme sheds a negative light on youth as it focuses on the tearaways who have all commited a crime. The characters experience a storm in which they get super powers, with these powers they fight the distrubing happens within the programme. Again, I wanted to explore the perception of youth in the media by using these characters to make my own.

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